What additional training do you offer?

In addition to the world’s best voice lessons, we also offer:
Studio Recording
Piano Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Sight Reading and Ear Training
Performance Coaching
Pageant Coaching
At Sing Like a Star Studios we offer many classes including: Voice Lessons, Songwriting, Piano and Guitar, Lessons for Children, Studio Recording, and Performance Opportunities.
We also offer the course YOU can Sing Like a Star as a monthly online subscription (no private teacher) for $49.95 per month or $499 per year.  To purchase the course, please visit www.slascourses.com.

For all questions about lessons at SLaS please visit this page: LINKS TO REVIEW BEFORE BOOKING


Please email our Sing Like a Star support team at support@singlikeastar.com or call our support team at 404-790-1830 Monday-Friday, 10-6 pm EST.

We look forward to helping you Sing Stronger…Sing Higher…and Sing like a Star!