Singing Lessons Videos

Master Your Voice with Online Singing Lessons by Tricia Grey

You Can Sing Like a Star

Whether you are a beginner looking to find your voice, or an experienced singer aiming to refine your technique, our professional online singing lessons cater to all levels. Learn from Master Teacher Tricia Grey, who brings years of teaching excellence and performance expertise directly to you through comprehensive video tutorials.

Explore Our Professional Singing Tips and Techniques

Each lesson is designed to build your vocal skills progressively, focusing on key aspects like breath control, vocal health, and emotional expression. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular updates and expert tips.

Master Speech Level Singing with Seth Riggs’ Techniques

Discover the revolutionary approach to singing with our special tutorial on Speech Level Singing (SLS), a method developed by vocal coach Seth Riggs. This technique, celebrated for its effectiveness, teaches singers how to maintain a natural vocal tone throughout all registers, reducing strain and maximizing vocal health.

In this comprehensive video, we delve into the concepts of “Mix” — a crucial element of SLS that allows for a seamless blend of vocal registers. Learn how these techniques are integrated into our teachings at Sing Like a Star Studios, and how they can dramatically improve your vocal performance.

Watch Our Detailed Tutorial: Speech Level Singing, Seth Riggs, Mix, and Sing Like a Star

Learn firsthand the benefits of this method and how it can be applied to your singing to achieve effortless and expressive vocal performances.

Discover the Secrets of Advanced Vocal Techniques

This introductory video provides a sneak peek into the powerful singing techniques you’ll master at Sing Like a Star Studios. Understand the foundational principles behind our teaching methods that have helped countless singers achieve vocal excellence.

Identify Your Vocal Category

Knowing your vocal type is crucial for developing your singing skills. This video guides you through identifying your vocal category, helping you to choose exercises and songs that suit your unique voice.

Addressing Nasality in Singing: Techniques and Tips

Do you find your singing voice sounding too nasal? Our dedicated video tutorial tackles this common vocal issue, providing you with effective techniques to modulate and control the nasality in your voice. Understanding the balance of nasal and non-nasal sounds is crucial for achieving a well-rounded and pleasant vocal tone.

This lesson dives into practical exercises that help singers reduce unwanted nasal resonance in their singing. By applying these techniques, you can transform your vocal quality, making it clearer and more appealing to your audience.

Tutorial Video: Singers: Is Your Voice Too Nasal | Sing Like a Star

Learn the secrets to minimizing nasality and enhancing the natural beauty of your voice through this focused instructional content.

Techniques to Eliminate Breathy Vocals

Struggle with breathy singing? This tutorial addresses common issues with breath control and provides practical exercises to help you achieve a clearer and more powerful vocal tone.

Mastering Vocal Registers: Singing Low and High Notes

Unlock the full potential of your voice with our targeted lesson on navigating through low and high vocal registers. Whether you’re looking to deepen your bass notes or elevate your high pitches, this video tutorial will guide you through the techniques necessary to expand your vocal range and control.

This session offers practical advice and exercises designed to help you comfortably and accurately handle vocal extremes. By learning how to effectively transition between registers, you can enhance your vocal flexibility and expressiveness.

Educational Video: Singing Low and High: Vocal Registers | Sing Like a Star

How to Sustain Long Notes Without Running Out of Air

Learn how to sustain longer phrases in songs without losing breath. This lesson focuses on breath management techniques that are essential for performing longer and more demanding pieces.

What Our Students Say

“Tricia’s lessons transformed my singing. I’ve gained confidence and skill thanks to her expert guidance. Highly recommend to anyone wanting to elevate their vocal performance.” — Emma S.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take lessons if I am a complete beginner?
Yes, our lessons are tailored to suit all levels of experience, from complete beginners to professional performers.
How do online lessons work?
Our online lessons are conducted via video tutorials and live sessions, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your home.

We are committed to helping you Sing Stronger, Sing Higher, and Sing like a Star!