How to Become A Professional Singer

At Sing Like a Star Studios, we specialize in the health and maintenance of the professional singer’s voice.  We also help students who are just beginning their path toward professional careers with every step of their vocal and professional development.

How does a beginning singer get from the first step- deciding they want to sing professionally- to actually being that highly paid and successful artist?  While there is no one single route or path to fame and success, there are a few steps that most successful performers have taken.

The steps are:

1. Getting The Vision.

2. Answering the Call and Setting Goals

3. Doing the Legwork- Training and Networking

4. Keeping the Vision Alive

5. Reaping the Rewards

6. Setting New Goals

  1. GETTING THE VISION: At some point in our lives, all of us have had a great idea or thought, that we immediately discarded as being “not practical”, or that we never followed through on, because we didn’t know how to start.  We have to honor our ideas, especially the crazy ones!  That’s how you break out of the mold of what everyone else is doing, and then you can create something unique.  So hold on to your crazy idea- you don’t have to know how you are going to make it happen.  That will unfold one step at a time, as you take the next step and then the next.
  2. ANSWERING THE CALL AND SETTING GOALS: Decide you are going to go for your crazy idea.  Decide what a realistic first step goal would be.  Set your first step goal down on paper.  Now your plan is starting to become a reality.
  3. DOING THE LEGWORK:  You will have to invest in training- if you want to be a famous singer/artist that means taking voice and songwriting lessons.  While you are training for your craft, you want to start building a network.  It helps to be in a community of others who are pursuing the same goals.
  4. KEEPING THE VISION ALIVE: Although we may be fired up with enthusiasm at first, sometimes we start to lose steam after a few months (or years).  This is the time to revitalize your original vision- to start visualizing yourself as that famous and successful entertainer. Keep the vision alive and don’t give in to discouragement! Remember “It’s always darkest just before the dawn”.
  5. REAPING THE REWARDS:  Finally, you are getting some payoff to all your hard work.  Your calls started getting returned, you are getting bookings for gigs, your voice is finally doing what you want it to do after many lessons, your songs are starting to attract a buzz.  It’s time to revel for the moment.  Notice the improvements that you have made, the small or large steps forward that have happened.  Be appreciative of yourself and your hard work, and be grateful for where you are now.  Once you have done that it’s time to:
  6. SETTING NEW GOALS:  Set your next achievable goal, the next step forward.  Setting small achievable goals while keeping the larger vision is the way to success.  Don’t worry about how you will get from point A to point Z.  Ask yourself “what is the next logical step?” and then take that next step.  If you do this over and over you will find yourself having achieved the goal you formerly thought was impossible!


I wish you all the best as you reach for your dreams!  Tricia Grey, MM


At Sing Like a Star Studios you can learn the vocal technique of the stars.  If you don’t live near Atlanta, you can take voice lessons with Skype. Please visit our website at and click on the GET STARTED tab to register for a professional vocal evaluation and consultation.