Posts Tagged: Vocal Training Tips

What Should I Avoid as a Singer?

To avoid losing your voice or harming your vocal folds, you should consult the list below and take it seriously. It will take self-control, but in the end, like everything else, the hard work will pay off. Avoid drinking alcohol, even wine. These harmful drinks are dehydrating and may affect the mucosa of the vocal…

How to Sing better

Many people think singing is a natural gift- either you have talent, or you don’t. I disagree with that point of view. I believe talent is something that needs to be developed with training and discipline. Many times in my teaching and performing career, I have seen supposedly less talented individuals leave the so-called gifted…

How to Find the Right Key for your Song

How to Find the Right Key for your Song For singers, setting songs in the correct key is vitally important.  The right key can make the song not only easier to sing, but much more exciting to hear for the audience. Every so often, someone asks me “what key do I sing in”?  There is…

How to Correct Nasal Singing

How to Correct Nasal Singing Sometimes singers come to my studio with a pronounced nasal quality to their speaking voice, resembling Fran Drescher of “The Nanny”.  These students usually also show pronounced nasality in their singing voices as well.   Other students speak normally, but sing through the nose, sometimes as a result of techniques that…

Learning to Sing- the Three Step Process

Singers who come to my Sing Like a Star vocal studios who are interested in  learning to sing are helped by knowing that there is a basic 3 step process to creating  new and correct vocal functioning.  Each of the three steps requires different exercises and training, and are designed to create  different results.  Each…

Best Vocal Training Tips from Sing Like a Star

This is a compilation of the best blogs of 2011.  Hopefully this will help anyone interested in learning about the techniques and vocal training tips covered in  singing lessons at Sing Like a Star studios in greater Atlanta.  Enjoy! Vocal Training Tips Blog #1:  HOW TO KEEP YOUR VOICE HEALTHY DURING COLD AND FLU SEASON!…

Vocal Training Tips- the All or Nothing Syndrome

In this blog, a part of the vocal training tips series, I will discuss the all or nothing syndrome, and why that can be so detrimental to vocal development.  I can’t count the number of times I have gotten a phone call, a week or a month before the local auditions for American Idol, The…


  In this vocal tips and training blog, I will be giving you some advice for how to protect your voice and keep it healthy.  Vocal health is an important topic, and all singers will benefit from an understanding of how to protect your voice. I am often asked by my students “How can I…