Posts Tagged: Voice Lessons

How to Sing like Beyoncé with “Register Balance”.

I have long admired the career path of Beyoncé Knowles, one of the most consistent vocalists performing today.  While some singers seem to come and go, with the constant changes in the fickle public taste, she has had a remarkably long-lived and prosperous career, and an equally reliable voice with few vocal issues and problems. …

How to Correct Nasal Singing

How to Correct Nasal Singing Sometimes singers come to my studio with a pronounced nasal quality to their speaking voice, resembling Fran Drescher of “The Nanny”.  These students usually also show pronounced nasality in their singing voices as well.   Other students speak normally, but sing through the nose, sometimes as a result of techniques that…

Learning to Sing- the Three Step Process

Singers who come to my Sing Like a Star vocal studios who are interested in  learning to sing are helped by knowing that there is a basic 3 step process to creating  new and correct vocal functioning.  Each of the three steps requires different exercises and training, and are designed to create  different results.  Each…

Learn How to Sing- Chest Voice

In this blog I will discuss how a singer can learn how to sing better in the chest voice, and why the chest register is so important for singing. In my blog posted on June 12, 2012 you will see a chart that I created called “Your Path to Vocal Development”.  You should refer to…

Learn How to Sing- What Voice Type are You?

Learn How to Sing- What Voice Type Are You? This blog is to discuss some basic vocal habits or tendencies so you, the singer, can have some idea about what category you might fall into, or what voice type you are. When students who want to learn how to sing, the first step is that…

Learn How to Sing- Vocal Development for Singers

I have realized in my teaching that students who want to learn how to sing might like to know that there is a “plan” for their vocal development, and that exercises that are given (by me, anyway) are not a “one size fits all” approach and are based on a path of vocal development that…

Singing Lessons- Atlanta Vocal Coach Tricia Grey interview

Atlanta vocal coach Tricia Grey, MM, interviewed by I Am Entertainent magazine.  There is some good vocal pedagogy information here, as well as some background info on Tricia Grey, MM, owner of Sing Like a Star Studios in greater Atlanta, GA, where you can get the world’s best singing lessons! For professional singing lessons in…


  In this vocal tips and training blog, I will be giving you some advice for how to protect your voice and keep it healthy.  Vocal health is an important topic, and all singers will benefit from an understanding of how to protect your voice. I am often asked by my students “How can I…


Often students come to me for singing lessons with a classical or choral background and as a result they have a problem with overly breathy singing. Traditional classical training emphasizes only the legitimate sound, which limits the singer to singing only classical music; the use of the chest voice is discouraged, so singers often cannot…